Anonymous Genitalia
If we look around us, we can realize the enormous misinformation we are surrounded by on many subjects, one of them, sexuality, and more specifically, our genitalia.
Don’t we all have genitals?
Aren’t they all different shapes and colors, but equally valid and beautiful?
The answer is yes, but we seem to forget it.
It is with this in mind that I have found it necessary to create this project, which does not seek to create morbidity, but to normalize the fact that we all have genitals, and that no matter how they look, they are beautiful.
Hopefully with these images you can see yourself reflected in all this variety.
Hopefully you will remember, after watching this project, that all genitalia are worthy of love, but that does not mean they have to be sexualized.
I hope you will question certain ideas that may be ingrained in your mind.
I hope you recognize that behind these photographs, there are people.
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